Welcome to The Cover Contessa's stop on The Shape of My Heart blog tour!

Max knows about feeling lost and trying to move beyond the pain—he’s been on his own since he was sixteen. Now it’s time to find out if he can ever go home again, and Courtney’s the only one he trusts to go with him. But the trip to Providence could change everything…because the more time he spends with Courtney, the harder it is to reconcile what he wants and what he thinks he deserves.
It started out so simple. One misfit helping another. Now Max will do anything to show Courtney that for every heart that’s ever been broken, there’s another that can make it complete.
Hours later, I stirred in increments,
then snapped alert when I realized Max was spooning me. His arm was strong and
warm across my waist, hips snug against my ass, and I felt each slow breath
into my hair. Well, crap. No good deed
and so on. It seemed unlikely that I could get away without disturbing him.
The bedside clock read 5:45, so it was still mostly dark. As I shifted, he
tightened his hold and nuzzled my neck.
Obviously, it felt incredible, but it had been eight months. These days it didn’t take much to turn me
on. But I wasn’t a shy virgin trembling with fear that he’d ravish me. So I
lifted his arm and crawled out of bed. Max was rubbing his eyes when I went to
the bathroom to brush my teeth and get dressed.
did I imagine—”
happened.” I wasn’t about to tell him that he was crying in his sleep so I
figured I better go on the offensive. “My bed had janky springs, that’s all.”
“Uh huh.
Anyone ever tell you your hair smells like lemons?”
the top-notch motel shampoo.”
resist me, huh? This always happens, sooner or later. Should we just do it
already, defuse the sexual tension?”
“As if.
You were on my side of the bed. There are Russian hitmen who would pay big
money to spoon this.” I slapped my ass with a teasing grin and yanked the
covers off him. “Come on, get up.”
immediately grabbed a pillow, going for basic crotch camo. “Are you kidding?”
You already are. I’ll take that as a compliment.”
have to pee,” he mumbled.
your time. If you need me to step out, so you can—”
help me, Kaufman, if you don’t stop talking, right now, I’ll make you.”
I did a taunting little dance, hip swivel and half-turn. “Sure you will. What,
you gonna kiss me? Now that’s original. Besides, I’m way too good at it, remember? Pretty soon you’ll be dry humping me
and then come all over yourself. Let’s not go down that road.”
scrubbed a palm across his face. “It’s too early for this.”
my point.”
slammed the bathroom door after stomping past me. He was in there long enough
with the water running for me to consider teasing him, but honestly, what a guy
did in the shower stall of a crappy motel bathroom was between him and the tiny
soap. So I didn’t say anything as we packed up and headed out to the bike. But
I was thinking about it, wondering a little, when I swung on behind him and
nestled close.
I could get used to this.

Blog Tour Schedule:
November 26
Becky’s Book Bytes-Author InterviewBook Lit Love-ReviewFriends Til The End Book-ExcerptNancy’s Romance Reads-ExcerptBookAngel Booktopia-ReviewResch Reads and Reviews-Review
November 27
A Bookish Escape-ReviewBibliojunkies-Author InterviewFour Chicks Flipping Pages-ReviewReading Addict-ExcerptGrownup Book Reviews-ReviewBecky on Books-Review
November 28
Between the Lines-ReviewBooks and Starlight-ExcerptFandomly Bookish-Character InterviewWhat is That Book About-ExcerptKrista’s Dust Jacket-ReviewBook Labyrinth-Review
November 29
Greyland Reviews-Author InterviewMovies Shows N Books-ExcerptRead It Woman-ExcerptBows & Bullets Reviews-ExcerptLovin Los Libros-ReviewRamblings From This Chick-Review
November 30
Nose Stuck in a Book-DreamCastSnoopy Doo’s Book Reviews-ExcerptThe Unofficial Addiction Book Fan Club-ExcerptKimberlyFaye Reads-ReviewNo BS Book Reviews-ReviewInked in Chapters-Review
December 1
Collector of Book Boyfriends-ExcerptMaf’s Crazy Book List-PlaylistAddicted Readers-ExcerptBook Drunk Blog-ReviewFlirty Fiction Blog-ReviewBest Book Boyfriends-Review
December 2
Adventures in Writing-ExcerptStep Into Fiction-ReviewWatcha Reading-Author InterviewJodie’s Wine List-ReviewMy Book Muse-ReviewTypical Distractions-Review
December 3
101 Ways to Make Love to a Spoon-ExcerptRed Hot + Blue Reads-ReviewBook Briefs-ReviewEmilie’s Book World-ReviewSeeing Night Reviews-ReviewBook Bumblings-Review
December 4
Musings in Fiction Alley-Character InterviewThe Phantom Paragrapher-ReviewThose Crazy Book Chicks-ExcerptMary Had a Little Book Blog-ReviewZili in the Sky-ReviewBooks Need TLC-Review
December 5
Lulo Fangirl-ExcerptSummer’s Book Blog-ReviewThe Cover Contessa-ExcerptSassy Divas Book Blog-ReviewTravels N Reads-ReviewContagious Reads-Review
I went to engineering school, so I would rather be exploring my early career life in my NA novel