Welcome to The Cover Contessa's blog tour stop for Heather Frost's book
Guardians (Seers #3)
Have you read this series yet?

And, finally the third book concluding this series:

The Cover Contessa's Review:
I want to thank Sweetwater Books (a Cedar Fort imprint) and the author, Heather Frost, for sending me a copy of this book to read and give an honest review. Receiving this book for free has in no way influenced my opinion or review.
If you haven't read the first two books in this series, STOP HERE! There will more than likely be spoilers for those books and I would not want to ruin it for you.
First, I have to say that I loved this series as a whole. I loved the concept of the seers and the guardians, of how they come to be and how they work with each other to protect one another. It was nice to watch those relationships unfold during this series. I was itching to get my hands on a copy of this so I could see what happened to all the characters I have really fallen in love with. At the same time, I knew I would be sad to let them go.
As with the other covers, I really like this one. I'm not sure if it represents Sean or Patrick, as it could be either since they look so much alike. But I'm going to with this being Patrick, since I'm pretty sure the second book cover was Sean (since the name of the book was Demons)! The cover is simple, yet draws you right in. The model is intriguing And you should feel the cover. Yup, it's smooth!
Once again we are thrown into the world of Patrick and Kate. But this time, Patrick has a huge secret he's keeping, he's seen Kate's death. It certainly makes him more protective of her for the entire book. He doesn't even want to really let her out of his site, but does entrust her to other guardians and seers who help keep her safe. But it's not enough and soon Kate is facing her enemy once again. But this time it's not only her they want, it's her family, and she will do anything to keep them from harm, even if that means putting herself in harm's way.
One of the things I love about this book is that it's not centered on the romance and everything leading up to it. Sure, we have kissing and cuddling and we see the love and attraction between the characters, but it's not the main focus. The main focus is the evil that lurks around us and how we can defeat that evil, overcome it by any odds necessary.
For me, the first 50-75% of the book was rather slow. I missed hearing Patrick's point of view for sure. I though there would be more of it since he was so involved in the cliffhanger at the end of book #2. And I thought because there was a cliff hanger this book would have started off with more of a bang. I was expecting more action packed scenes, but I felt like we were just following the characters through their every day routines. However, once the action did get started, the book was non-stop and really hard to put down. Frost throws in a lot twists and turns, things you do not expect at all.
Frosts writing is great. For a young author I really love what a grasp she has on the English language. Her descriptions are spot on and you really know her characters and watch them grow and develop in great ways.
All in all I'm very happy with this series as a whole, even tho I didn't enjoy this book quite as much as the first two. It's definitely one I would recommend to my friends. Especially if you like stories about angels and demons and their conflict with each other. Heather has written a unique series that will draw you in and keep you there from beginning to end. I do recommend you read all three books fairly close together to maintain the flow of the story in your mind. I'm looking forward to Heather's future writing for sure!
If you haven't read the first two books in this series, STOP HERE! There will more than likely be spoilers for those books and I would not want to ruin it for you.
First, I have to say that I loved this series as a whole. I loved the concept of the seers and the guardians, of how they come to be and how they work with each other to protect one another. It was nice to watch those relationships unfold during this series. I was itching to get my hands on a copy of this so I could see what happened to all the characters I have really fallen in love with. At the same time, I knew I would be sad to let them go.
As with the other covers, I really like this one. I'm not sure if it represents Sean or Patrick, as it could be either since they look so much alike. But I'm going to with this being Patrick, since I'm pretty sure the second book cover was Sean (since the name of the book was Demons)! The cover is simple, yet draws you right in. The model is intriguing And you should feel the cover. Yup, it's smooth!
Once again we are thrown into the world of Patrick and Kate. But this time, Patrick has a huge secret he's keeping, he's seen Kate's death. It certainly makes him more protective of her for the entire book. He doesn't even want to really let her out of his site, but does entrust her to other guardians and seers who help keep her safe. But it's not enough and soon Kate is facing her enemy once again. But this time it's not only her they want, it's her family, and she will do anything to keep them from harm, even if that means putting herself in harm's way.
One of the things I love about this book is that it's not centered on the romance and everything leading up to it. Sure, we have kissing and cuddling and we see the love and attraction between the characters, but it's not the main focus. The main focus is the evil that lurks around us and how we can defeat that evil, overcome it by any odds necessary.
For me, the first 50-75% of the book was rather slow. I missed hearing Patrick's point of view for sure. I though there would be more of it since he was so involved in the cliffhanger at the end of book #2. And I thought because there was a cliff hanger this book would have started off with more of a bang. I was expecting more action packed scenes, but I felt like we were just following the characters through their every day routines. However, once the action did get started, the book was non-stop and really hard to put down. Frost throws in a lot twists and turns, things you do not expect at all.
Frosts writing is great. For a young author I really love what a grasp she has on the English language. Her descriptions are spot on and you really know her characters and watch them grow and develop in great ways.
All in all I'm very happy with this series as a whole, even tho I didn't enjoy this book quite as much as the first two. It's definitely one I would recommend to my friends. Especially if you like stories about angels and demons and their conflict with each other. Heather has written a unique series that will draw you in and keep you there from beginning to end. I do recommend you read all three books fairly close together to maintain the flow of the story in your mind. I'm looking forward to Heather's future writing for sure!
Don't you want to read it now? GO GO GO!
And Heather has generously offered a giveaway, so scroll down below and enter the Rafflecopter! Good Luck and thanks for stopping by!

I attended Snow College, and there got the best job ever as a writing tutor. I graduated in May 2011 with my Associate of Science, and am currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science as an English Major.
I love movies, music, and books—although I do think that the dumbest question on the planet is the whole “What's your favorite book/music/movie?” The best answer I've come up with is, “Whatever I'm reading, listening to, or watching at the time.” Generally, it's an accurate answer.
I love the smell of lilacs, wet cement, and freshly cut grass. I love brownies, rain, and curling up with a good book.
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