Blurb from Goodreads: Finding your unique voice in a noisy world can be hard—very hard. But not if you have a great guide! The Girl Guide: Finding Your Place in a Mixed-Up World is a must-read for girls in grades 6–8 as they enter the tumultuous world of adolescence. Packed with fun worksheets and quizzes, as well as stories from older girls and women, The Girl Guide covers everything a teenage girl needs to know on the journey toward her own identity. Proven strategies for dealing with stress management, confronting relational aggression, being safe online, navigating the changing mother-daughter relationship, and more make this the ultimate guide for any girl to get through the teen years and discover her unique point of view in the world
Title: The Girl Guide: Finding Your Place in a Mixed-Up World
Author: Christine Fonseca
Publisher: Prufrock Press
Expected Publication Date: May 1, 2013
Brooke's Review:
I want to thank Prufrock Press and the author, Christine Fonseca, for providing me with and ARC of this book to read and give an honest review. Receiving this book for free in no way influenced my opinion or review.
Before I get down to the nitty gritty, I can honestly tell you that I am not usually much of a non-fiction reader. I rather enjoy reading to get me out of reality. But, given the opportunity to review something for Christine Fonseca, I could not pass it up because I love her writing and I knew that I would enjoy the theme of this book. And enjoy I did!
I also want to mention how much I love this cover. When Christine was searching for a cover, she asked a few of use to look at some designs and vote on which one we liked best. This cover is actually the one I picked! I love the message the t-shirt sends!
Despite the fact that I am not a young teenage girl, the basic underlying theme of this book rings true to any woman of any age: be true to yourself, find what fits for you and use that to your advantage. Who couldn't like a book that aims to help people find their true selves? And Christine does not say this will be easy, in fact, she constantly reminds the reader that they need to dig deep within themselves to examine how to find themselves. So the guide helps girls see that life is not perfect, and that's ok. But it can turn out just as they want it if they find their true path.
And the way in which Fonseca goes about it is great. Each chapter gives the reader an opportunity to put their new found life skill to work. She integrates exercises that truly help a person get down to their basic understanding of themselves. I love the fact that the entire book really relies on the reader taking on projects to lay their life out before them: journals, posters, flashcards, quizzes, short stories from women young and older, and quotes that get your mind turning. Fonseca asks the reader to do whatever it takes to help them really be in control of who they are and how they find their true selves. She lays out great strategies to help young teens deal with stress, friendship, parents, school work and so much more.
If I had young girls, which I don't, I would grab this book right off the shelf and ask them to give it a try. As a matter of fact, I have three friends with daughters who would greatly benefit from reading this book, and they have agreed to do so! This is not just a book, it's a journey into the self that utilizes unique ideas to help young girls find their own unique self. I wish I had had a book like this when I was growing up.
Excellent job Christine!
5/5 Stars.

When she’s not writing or developing programs to support children with exceptional needs, she can be found spending time with her family, sipping too many skinny vanilla lattes at her favorite coffee house or playing around on Facebook and Twitter.
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