Rise of the Sea Witch
Stacey Rourke
Publication date: June 19th 2017
Genres: Fantasy, Young Adult
Details of the sea witch’s banishment have been exaggerated. The body count that preempted it was not. Once an illustrious princess, her hands and tentacles were stained with the blood of thousands. No one could comprehend how the hooks of madness dragged her down from her life of privilege.
Born Princess Vanessa of Atlantica, the ambitious young royal was one of two children born to the great King Poseidon. She and her brother, Triton, were groomed from birth to rule. Yet only one would ascend that coveted throne. While carefree Triton flits through his training with a cavalier demeanor and beguiling charm, Vanessa’s hunger for her father’s acceptance drives her to push herself to the limits of magic, and combat to become a leader worthy of her people.
When war against the humans ravages their once regal kingdom, political sides are chosen. Factions from the seven seas challenge the existing leadership, pitting Vanessa against her brother in a vicious battle for the crown. Traitors are exposed, dark family secrets revealed, and a once strong sibling bond is strained to its breaking point.
Only when the ink black waters from the ultimate betrayal rescind, will the truth be known of how the villainous sea witch rose with one name on her vengeful lips–Triton.
You're trapped on an island in the middle of the sea. You can have three authors with you to keep you company, who do you choose?
So, for this scenario, we were all on Oceanic Flight 815 that crashed on to the beach of a mysterious island inhabited by an ominous smoke monster? (LOST reference for those of you that missed that. Consider that your blaring warning siren that I’m a huge dork.) Of course, I would have to have my version of Dr. Jack Shepard to help keep us safe from “The Others.” Unless … wait. Is Jack actually an option? No. I would still be married on the island. Best not to have the hot doctor with notorious Daddy issues there. Instead, I would cast Alexandrea Weis as our wise leader. Like Dr. Shepard, she has a medical background that will help us when we need stitches after a wild boar attack, suffer a collapsed lung from falling from plane wreckage, or are battling an angry belly from the constant diet of coconut. (Yes, in my mind this is playing out according to the script of the show. Don’t act shocked. I warned you upfront.) An island entrapment would surely be a death sentence without a John Locke type of character with instincts so on point they border on the supernatural. That part would be played by Mary Ting. Being furiously protective of her family and friends, Mary would use her spot-on instincts to find us a hatch filled with 1970s decor that would allow us the comforts of home after months spent sleeping on the ground and bathing in the ocean. We would be so grateful, we would even forgive her for the fact that we had to type a code into a computer every 180 minutes or the world ends. Now, island life can get pretty dreary. The goal becomes basic survival. Situations like this, you need a character that is the heart of the story that offers plenty of comic relief. LOST had Hurley. I would have Becca Vincenza. Becca is, without a doubt, one of the funniest people I know. I could totally see her setting up an impromptu golf game with clubs she recovered in the luggage cargo, or pushing a van down a hill just to see if she could get it started. All this leaves the lingering question, who would I be? I envision myself showing up for the first time drunk on a dingy much like Desmond did. Like him I would pop here, there, and everywhere trying to find my place in the greater scheme of things. My rolls cast, I’ll end this in true Desmond fashion by saying, “See ya in another life, brotha.” Oh, and check out the amazing collections of work from Alexandria Weis, Mary Ting, and Becca Vincenza because they are incredibly talented, and great sports for putting up with my antics!
** Deepest apologies to those that have never watched LOST as it probably seemed I just spewed gibberish. I promise if you watch the show, this will all make sense. **

Author Bio:
RONE Award Winner for Best YA Paranormal Work of 2012 for Embrace, a Gryphon Series Novel
Young Adult and Teen Reader voted Author of the Year 2012
Turning Pages Magazine Winner for Best YA book of 2013 & Best Teen Book of 2013
Readers’ Favorite Silver Medal Winner for Crane 2015
Stacey Rourke is the author of the award winning YA Gryphon Series, the chillingly suspenseful Legends Saga, and the romantic comedy Reel Romance Series. She lives in Michigan with her husband, two beautiful daughters, and two giant dogs. She loves to travel, has an unhealthy shoe addiction, and considers herself blessed to make a career out of talking to the imaginary people that live in her head.
Thanks for being on the tour! :)