Author: Jennifer Allis Provost
Release Date: July 27, 2016
Publisher: Spencer Hill Press
Not only are she and Micah finally
married, her father, who’d been missing since the Magic Wars, has been found.
Actually, he just strode up to the manor’s front door, but whatever. Sara knows
better than to look a gift horse in the mouth.
But Baudoin Corbeau isn’t content to
return to family life. He’s decided that he will be the force of change in the
Mundane world, and lead the Elemental resistance to victory with his children
at his side. What’s worse, Baudoin doesn’t approve of Sara’s marriage, and
makes every attempt to separate her from Micah.
After a visit to the Mundane realm
leaves Sara, Max and Sadie imprisoned by the Peacekeepers, Sara’s doubts creep
to the surface. Is her father right? Does she belong in the Mundane realm, not
the Otherworld? Is Micah really the right man—make that elf—for her?
Was marrying him a mistake?
link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/23550747-copper-veins?from_search=true&search_version=service
& Noble Link: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/copper-veins-jennifer-allis-provost/1120963884?ean=9781633920101
Today we welcome Jennifer for an interview! Take it away!
How do you come up with themes for your stories?
I always start with a character name. For this series, I
wanted a character that had some form of “raven” in their name. After many
permutations, I ended up with Sara Corbeau (corbeau is a French surname that means
raven). At the time I was also making a lot of copper jewelry, and thought it
would be great if my raven girl had something to do with copper, so Sara became
the titular copper girl.
What was the hardest thing about writing a book?
Knowing when it has been edited, beta read, and polished
Where do you write?
I usually write in my home office, but I’ve been seen at the local
Panera a time or two.
What kinds of things do you like to do outside of
I like reading, rainy nights, long walks on the beach…
Wait, that’s not what you meant. When I’m not writing I’m beating back the evil
possessed bittersweet vines in my yard (some call it gardening; I call it
Hell), painting, making jewelry or some other crafty thing, and going on
adventures with my twins.
What is your favorite book? Favorite author?
My favorite book is The Hero and the Crown by Robin
McKinley, but my favorite author is Wendy Pini, creator of ElfQuest.
Do you have an author that inspired/inspires you to
Oh, yes! The aforementioned Wendy Pini and Robin
McKinley, along with Madeline L’Engle, Neil Gaiman, Judy Bloom, and J.R.R.
Tell us 5 things that make you smile
1. My twins
2. My husband
3. New shoes
4. 80s music
5. Steven Universe
Tell us 5 things that make you sad
1. Snow (okay, make that winter in general)
2. My tsunami of student loan debt
3. Waiting A YEAR (or more) before the next book in a
series comes out
4. Taxes
5. When a book is adapted into a movie or television
series, and it’s awful
If you could travel anywhere in the world to visit a
place so you could use it as a background for a book, where would it be?
Scotland or Wales. Maybe a tour of the British Isles is
in order.
Choose one book to jump into, which one is it? Why and
which character are you?
Claire in Outlander. Not only is she a self-rescuing
princess, there’s one James Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser to consider.

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FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/copperraven/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/parthalan
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Thanks for the interview!