Welcome to The Cover Contessa's stop on the Eleven Weeks blog tour!

Date: 01/2015
from Goodreads:
Seven shots
Five siblings
Two boys
One heartbeat …
is good at pretending.
pretends that the boy she's in love with doesn't exist.
pretends that she's happy to live and die in this small town.
pretends that her life is carefree while her best friend's life crumbles before
her very eyes.
Stacey's got a secret ...
it's going to ruin everything.
Links to Book One – The Problem With Crazy:
Fact: I’m not mad on listening to music while
I’m writing. I find I get too excited, too caught up in the song, and next
thing you know, I am belting that sucker out at the top of my lungs while I
interpretive dance through the living room, with my two dogs looking at me like
I’m a crazy person.*
Having said that, before I write a certain
scene, or if I’m in a bit of a mood before I put pen to paper, I will listen to
a tune to help me get in the mood! Here are some of the songs on my playlist
while I wrote Eleven Weeks:
“Shake It Off” – Taylor Swift
“Coffee & Cigarettes” – Jimmy Eat World
“One Headlight” – The Wallflowers
“Ta Douleur” – Camille
is Cheap” – Chet Faker
– Edward Sharp and the Magnetic Zeros
These songs all had the right mix of happy and
emotional to make me feel I could get words on the page, and hopefully, if you
read the book, you’ll feel what I did while listening to those songs, too!
*Dogs may be right.

Lauren lives by the beach in Australia with her
husband and their two dogs. Most of the time, all three of them are well
Author Links:
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