Emily Donovan didn't know love, she didn't know gentle and her future wasn't hers to own. Because HE owned her. There is only so much one soul can take before it is broken beyond repair and she had reached that milestone long ago.
Braiden Montgomery had secrets, secrets that would see a special place in hell reserved just for him. He was trying to make amends, trying to find his own form of redemption when a waif of a girl with jet black hair and pale blue eyes seized his heart.
Emily's soul had been tortured by men like Braiden, so trusting the dark haired Dom would be one of the most difficult things she would ever do. For a man with skills like Braiden, keeping ‘Em’ safe would be a piece of cake. Bringing her frozen heart back to life might just prove impossible though.

i loved beauty 1 so much, the girl's strength her ability to not fall in love with the abuser rather haber the right feelings that eventually enabled her to fight back and revenge against him , God i am still in love with everything about Beauty, she is just iconic to me
ReplyDeletei love everything about beauty 1, congrats for a novel well done Miss Dallas