The Year of Souls begins with an earthquake—an alarming rumble from deep within the earth—and it’s only the first of greater dangers to come. The Range caldera is preparing to erupt. Ana knows that as Soul Night approaches, everything near Heart will be at risk.
Ana’s exile is frightening, but it may also be fortuitous, especially if she can convince her friends to flee Heart and Range with her. They’ll go north, seeking answers and allies to stop Janan’s ascension. And with any luck, the newsouls will be safe from harm’s reach.
The oldsouls might have forgotten the choice they made to give themselves limitless lifetimes, but Ana knows the true cost of reincarnation. What she doesn’t know is whether she’ll have the chance to finish this one sweet life with Sam, especially if she returns to Heart to stop Janan once and for all.
With gorgeous romance and thrilling action, the final book in the Incarnate trilogy offers a brilliant conclusion to the compelling questions of this fascinating world, where one new girl is the key to the lives of millions.
The Cover Contessa's Review:
I'd like to thank Harper Teen for sending me a copy of this
book to read and give an honest review. Receiving this book for free has in no
way influenced my opinion or review.
I love this series, so you can imagine I was totally excited
to read this book! I couldn't wait to immerse myself once again the world of
Heart and see what would happen!
Of course I absolutely love this cover. As with the others
it is just beautiful. The colors blend and flow so well. And the girl is just
beautiful! This cover goes along perfectly with the others created for the
This book picks up right where Asunder leaves off. Ana has
been exiled from Heart and Sam is standing by her side. But there is chaos
lurking as Heart is beginning to feel the effects of the world falling apart.
Eruptions and earthquakes are shaking the world and Ana and Sam are trying to
find a way to stop it. And Ana fears for the Newsouls and those who support the
new souls.
I will say that I didn't feel the romance as much in this
book as I did in the first and second books. I felt like it was a bit lacking.
Sam kept telling Ana he would follow her anywhere, but it was almost like Ana
doesn't believe it. I suppose after all she's been through it's hard for her to
trust anyone, even Sam. But I felt so sad that they seemed to be losing their
connection to each other.
I don't want to reveal too much of the plot, as that might
spoil things for people (and I would not want to do that!). I will say that
there is lots of action in this book. You see the return of creatures you've
only met in passing in the first books. And you meet new creatures, as well.
And there is death, I will not lie. But they are sacrifices that are necessary
and totally understandable. And my heart certainly was clenched up in my chest
at those points in the book.
As with the other books, Meadows just has a knack for
pulling you into her stories. Not only is the pacing spot on, but she continues
the world building (and you thought you were done when you learned all about
Heart!). She also gives us glimpses of characters we only knew just a bit
about. It's interesting to watch as they form friendships that are long
lasting. And the best part about this series is how different and unique it is.
And Meadows instills many morals in this book: live life, love life, give to
others and you will get back in return.
All in all I really loved
this book. The ending rounded the trilogy out nicely, although I felt it might
have been a little too well packaged, maybe I needed a little more rift in a
book that's set in a high fantasy dystopian type world. It's definitely a great
read and well worth picking up

*A Kippy is a cat.
The unofficial stuff:
Like many writers, I’ve always wanted to do this professionally. You know, after I decided against being an astronaut.
Unlike many writers, I didn’t skip straight from picture books to adult novels. I have fond memories of going to Bookstop every month for the latest Baby-Sitters Club (which I kept reading, even after I realized they were never going to let the paranormal elements be real), and even fonder memories of hanging out in my middle school library. The librarians probably knew exactly what they were doing when they suggested book after book and discussed them with me at length. I, of course, had no clue they were turning me into a book addict, but it worked out for the best. Once I found the books where magic and other fantastic elements were real, I was hooked.
When I was twenty, I met a boy, moved 1,500 miles, and married him all within six months. I now realize that was crazy and dangerous, but it seemed natural at the time and, again, worked out for the best. Not only did we stay madly in love, he worked full time at a hard job so I could stay home to write books and, hopefully, one day get published.

The other crazy thing we did was fall in love with ferrets. They have their own bedroom.
My hobbies, aside from spending all my money on books and Kippy/ferret treats, revolve around yarn. I love crocheting, knitting, and spinning. In addition to several handspindles, I share my living room with a spinning wheel named Bob.
I've only read book one but it was very unique. I do love these covers though, they are gorgeous!