What if today never ends?
What if everything about life—everything anyone hoped to be, to do, to experience—never happens?
Whether sitting in a chair, driving down the road, in surgery, jumping off a cliff or flying ... that's where you’d be ... forever.
Unless ...
In One More Day, Erika Beebe, Marissa Halvorson, Kimberly Kay, J. Keller Ford, Danielle E. Shipley and Anna Simpson join L.S. Murphy to give us their twists, surprising us with answers to two big questions, all from the perspective of characters under the age of eighteen.
How do we restart time?
How do we make everything go back to normal?
The answers, in whatever the world—human, alien, medieval, fantasy or fairytale—could,maybe, happen today.
Right now.
What would you do if this happened ... to you?
By L.S. Murphy, Erika BeeBe, Marissa Halvorson,
Kimberly Kay,
J. Keller Ford, Danielle E. Shipley, and Anna Simpson
Today The Cover Contessa welcome author Kimberly Kay answering our burning question: If you have 24 hours to live, what would you do?
Guest Post by Kimberly Kay
If you only had 24 hours to live, what would you
If given only twenty-four more hours to live, I’d
head to the store, and by gifts for my friends as well as an enormous stack of
note cards. Then, after writing kind notes and signing them anonymously,
I’d doorbell ditch everyone the note and the gift before settling down
somewhere, huddled in my favorite jacket, to watch the stars come out.
Thanks so much for stopping by today Kimberly. And now, read on to see what I thought of this anthology and scroll down to enter a giveaway!
The Cover Contessa's Review:
I really love reading short stories. Especially in an anthology where the stories focus on time or some type of time travel Time travel makes me giddy! I love sic-fi. So given the opportunity to read this anthology you can bet I jumped right in to read it. I thought perhaps I would do a few stories a day. Nope, I sat down and read it cover to cover without putting it down. So, I will review the stories in the order I read them!
Time Piece by Anna Simpson
This short story was interesting. The repetitiveness of the scene and it's slight changes was really quite great. Think Ground Hogs Day, but with slight differences each time. It certainly reminded me a bit of Back To The Future, as well. I'm a huge fan of Back to the Future, so this story really drew me in!
Dark Rose by Marissa Halvorson
This story didn't draw me in as much as I would have liked. I felt it was a bit slow going. The world intersects were interesting: to see the three girls who are basically the same person but in parallel universes. The concept was interesting but it didn't quite jive for me.
Dragon Flight by J Keller Ford
I really enjoyed this one. A girl who wants to do whatever she needs to to win the boy's heart. But then she learns that her world is not exactly as it seems. And for her to try and figure out exactly why time suddenly stops for her, well, it's not what you think it will be.
The 13th Month by LS Murphy
This one, well, I really liked this one. But I will say that the introduction of the angels was a bit of a surprise for me. I wasn't expecting them at all. Once again we have time stopping. But the world becomes sort of a apocalyptic mess in the main character's eyes. You have to read this to really understand it! And the outcome of this one, well, the consequences will surprise you!
Sleepless Beauty by Kimberly Kay
This one, well, while predictable, I really enjoyed it. I love any kind of fairy tale retelling and this was no exception. I wanted to see more and I could see this as a full length book for sure. The characters were endearing and interesting and each was totally unique.
Stage Fright by Erika Beebe
This was a different read for me. I am not too familiar with theater, but I do understand the idea of stage fright! However, while the main character is nervous about acting the main part, I didn't really understand where the fear came from. I needed more background. I did enjoy how her love interest literally jumped off the pages.
A Morrow More by Danielle E Shipley
This story has a definite fantasy twist to it. For me, I really have to be into a fantasy to get through it. The idea of it was interesting for sure and I would love to see the characters expanded more. It was actually a bit short for me and this made it hard for me to really get into it. The ending was a bit predictable but I sometimes like knowing it will end the way I want it to!
Guest Post
As you can see, I really enjoyed these stories for the most part. I think I have a hard time with short stories that I want more from. They may come to the end, but then I feel like I need to know more about the characters. So it would be great to see some of these turned into full length books!
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This sounds like a really fun anthology! Great review. :)