Welcome to the No One's Angel blog tour hosted by Xpresso Book Tours.

Publication date: September 17th 2013
Genre: New Adult Contemporary Romance
Genre: New Adult Contemporary Romance
Tess used to spend more hours than she’d care to admit playing her favorite computer game, using the nickname Angel. She could pretend her life was different, and she could pretend Arion was just a friend. But a girl needs more to keep her warm at night than pixels and she traded her virtual heaven for a real life hell. Now she’s on the run from a past she won’t talk about, and the only place she has to go is the doorstep of the friend she’s never actually met.
When Angel disappeared from their nightly games, it nearly destroyed Arion. He threw himself into work and women, but he can’t help knowing the one night stands will never compare to the angel who haunts his dreams. At first, when she shows up soaking wet and scared-shitless on his doorstep, he thinks his prayers have been answered.
But the more Arion tries to keep Angel close, the more her fear drives her away. If they are ever going to have a chance for a future, they’ll first have to deal with the past that hasn’t forgotten her any more than she’s forgotten it, and Arion will have to learn how to let her go.
No One's Angel is a New Adult(NA) Contemporary Romance and is recommended for mature audiences only due to language and sexual content.
When Angel disappeared from their nightly games, it nearly destroyed Arion. He threw himself into work and women, but he can’t help knowing the one night stands will never compare to the angel who haunts his dreams. At first, when she shows up soaking wet and scared-shitless on his doorstep, he thinks his prayers have been answered.
But the more Arion tries to keep Angel close, the more her fear drives her away. If they are ever going to have a chance for a future, they’ll first have to deal with the past that hasn’t forgotten her any more than she’s forgotten it, and Arion will have to learn how to let her go.
No One's Angel is a New Adult(NA) Contemporary Romance and is recommended for mature audiences only due to language and sexual content.
And lucky us, Kelly has agreed to do an interview for us today!
Did you always know you wanted to be a writer or did you want to be something else?
I never really thought about being a writer as a career. It just sort of happened. I wasted a lot of years with the story for my first book stuck in my head because I didn’t think that I could actually write a book. Then I did, and the natural thing to do was write the next, and then the next. Here I am 18 months later with 6 titles out.
How long does it take you to write a book from start to finish?
It depends on the story. Generally I write faster than I revise. Writing might only take me 3-6 weeks, but revising takes me 6-12 weeks. I’m getting better because I’m learning from previous mistakes.
How do you come up with themes for your stories? It isn’t really something I intentionally do. Characters come to me, and I frantically take notes.
Do you have a schedule of when you write?
I have one, though I’m not always great about sticking to it. From 9-11 most mornings I block the net to write, or at least I am supposed to. There is a lot that I generally need to do related to writing and publishing and they often distract me from what I need to be doing, which is writing.
How are you able to balance other aspects of your life with your writing?
If it weren’t for my husband I wouldn’t be able to keep anything balanced. He’s the one who reminds me to take time off, that I can’t work 24-7.
What elements do you think make a great story line?
reat, relatable characters make for great storylines. I think it is important to know what the characters want, and I think it is great to give them choices, but even more importantly, they need to be valid choices. It can be choices between a good choice and a bad choice, or between two bad choices, as long as the character has a legitimate reason to consider both. There is no tension if the reader knows the character has zero reasons to even briefly entertain one of the options. In romance, there needs to be chemistry.
What was the hardest thing about writing a book?
Putting the book out there, leaving myself open to criticism.
How many books have you written so far? Do you have a favorite?
I’m in the process of writing my 5th full length novel. I’ve also got a handful of short stories and novellas floating around. I love each of my books for different reasons, but I think No One’s Angel might be my favorite.
Do you have a favorite character?
My favorite character is probably Riya, from Souls of the Stones.
Where do you write?
When deciding on how to publish, what directed you to the route you took?
I’m not a patient person, and I like that with self-publishing I can set the schedule. I also like that I have control over each aspect of the publishing process.
Have you gotten feedback from family about your book(s)?
What do they think? My grandmother, my mom and my mother-in-law all read my books (although my grandmother didn’t read No One’s Angel, and won’t) and they are my biggest cheerleaders.
What kinds of things do you like to do outside of writing?
I love to read, and I love to curl up with a good book. I also really enjoy photography.
What kinds of advice would you give to someone who wants to start writing?
What are you waiting for? Start! Once you’ve started, find a critique group and you will learn as much from the critiques you give as from the ones you get.
What is your favorite book? favorite author? Do you have an author that inspired/inspires you to write?
For the most part my favorite book changes over time. My current top 5 are: Forever Innocent by Deanna Roy, Losing Francesca by J.A. Huss, Ten Tiny Breaths by K.A. Tucker, Throne of Glass and Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas. If I had to pick an all-all time favorite I might have to say Twilight. Nothing has ever felt quite so magical or captivating to me as my first read of Twilight. There are a lot of indie authors who inspire me to keep writing. Elle Casey, Mimi Strong, and H.M. Ward are not just talented writers, they are amazing people that I’ve gotten to know and they are all so dedicated to helping other authors. They inspire me each and every day.
Do you have any go to people when writing a book that help you with your story lines as well as editing, beta reading and such?
I have several critique partners and a few beta readers. I also hire a freelance editor.
Are you working on anything now?
Always. I’m currently finishing up Jaded Stone, which will be a prequel set in the Souls of the Stones world with a very familiar character. Then I need to get started on Lexi’s story from No One’s Angel. After that will probably be Chelsea’s story.
Thanks for stopping by and answering my questions today, Kelly, it was great to have you here!

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