Welcome to The Cover Contessa's blog tour stop for Kim Baccellia's
No More Goddesses

Today, Kim has stopped by to tell us her top ten reasons why she's a writer. So let's hear what she had to say!
10 Top Reasons
Why I’m A Writer
10. It’s in my blood. Literally. There are other writers in my family and I’m distinctly related to Edgar Rice Burroughs, the author of TARZAN.
9. I’ve always loved writing in journals. There’s just something intriguing and addictive about journals. In my latest book NO MORE GODDESSES, Jordan is fascinated with the journal entries of the mysterious Alice. 
8. I’m able to communicate my feelings better when I write them down. There’s just something cathartic with writing. When I was a teen, I wasn’t able to share my pain with others. Being able to write down my feelings did help.
7. I love to read. Ever since I can remember I’ve always loved reading. I think writing and reading go hand in hand.
6. I love playing with words in not only English but Spanish too. Yes, Scrabble is one of my favorite games!
5. I love being able to create new worlds, characters, and situations. Each book is my own ‘baby’ and special to me.
4. I actually love to research. In NO MORE GODDESSES, I did research on film icon Audrey Hepburn and Egyptian mythology. My next book will take place in Paris!
3. Its fun to be able to hear teens and others tell me how much they loved my story and then ask for more! I still remember this adorable teen at one Skype visit who told me this.
2. I love the writing communities. I belong to RWA-Romance Writers Association, YARWA, and also YALITCHAT. I’ve learned a lot about the craft through other authors. Plus, I love the encouragement and support these organizations have for fellow authors.
And the number one reason why I’m a writer: **I have to write! I can’t get away from it. Even as a bilingual teacher my main emphasis was writer’s workshop where my first graders wrote and created their own books. It was a huge hit! If I get frustrated with the whole writing process and say that’s it? Well, my dreams bug me and let me know I have a story to tell. Yes, it seems a number of writers do have very vivid dreams!
Thanks so much for stopping by today, Kim! I love your list!

I've been a telemarketer, library helper at the university, assistant manager, sales clerk, tutor, and bilingual teacher. Now I'm a stay-at-home mom and writer.
I love to read and write!
I am also a reviewer for Young Adults (& Kids!) Book Central.
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