Welcome to Author Thursday hosted by the Never Too Old for YA and NA Books group on Goodreads.
Today we welcome author Stacey Kade to the group and The Cover Contessa for an interview.
Have you had a chance to read any of Stacey's books?
This is Stacey's The Ghost and The Goth
(click on the book covers to be taken to the blurbs from Goodreads)
This is Stacey's The Ghost and The Goth
(click on the book covers to be taken to the blurbs from Goodreads)
This is Stacey's most recent book series, Project Paper Doll, which I have read and really enjoyed! You can read my review HERE

2. Remember they are always searching.
3. Don’t get involved.
4. Keep your head down.
5. Don’t fall in love.
Five simple rules. Ariane Tucker has followed them since the night she escaped from the genetics lab where she was created, the result of combining human and extraterrestrial DNA. Ariane’s survival—and that of her adoptive father—depends on her ability to blend in among the full-blooded humans in a small Wisconsin town, to hide in plain sight at her high school from those who seek to recover their lost (and expensive) “project.”
But when a cruel prank at school goes awry, it puts her in the path of Zane Bradshaw, the police chief’s son and someone who sees too much. Someone who really sees her. After years of trying to be invisible, Ariane finds the attention frightening—and utterly intoxicating. Suddenly, nothing is simple anymore, especially not the rules…
So, without further delay, let's hear what Stacey has to say!
Did you always know you wanted to be a writer or did you want to be something else?
When I was young, I didn’t really understand where books came from. I didn’t know that people sat down and wrote them, that it was a job I could have. So, I told my mom that I wanted to be a librarian so I’d get first dibs on all the new books. :)
How long does it take you to write a book from start to finish?
Depends on the book. I aim to have a really rough draft completed in three or four months, and then something to send to my editor another month or two after that. But with The Rules, it took me six months to get a workable first draft.
How do you come up with themes for your stories?
I don’t really actively work to insert themes. They just sort of emerge in the writing of the story. And sometimes, what I think is a theme isn’t the one that most people find in the story. Which is fine. Every reader brings his/her own experiences to the story, so different things resonate with different people. I love that!
Do you have a schedule of when you write?
That’s something I’m working on still. When I worked full-time, I would write first thing in the morning before I left for my job. Now, I have more flexibility and freedom, which is awesome, but means that I can get distracted more easily. I try to get my running/walking done right away in the morning (because that’s when it’s coolest during the summer), address any urgent emails, and then jump into writing by about 10:00 a.m. or so.
All the productivity experts say that I should probably be writing before checking email. But I just can’t resist—my curiosity gets the better of me!
How are you able to balance other aspects of your life with your writing?
Ha! Not very well? Just kidding. In all seriousness, it isn’t easy. If I’m writing, I’m not promoting my books or playing with my dogs or doing the dishes or watching a movie with my husband. And if I’m doing one of those things, I’m not writing.
So, I do the best I can to make sure nothing is neglected for too long. It is very much a juggling act.
But that’s just part of being a writer. It’s the best job in the whole world, and I love it. Wouldn’t trade it for anything. :)
What elements do you think make a great story line?
I think people need to connect emotionally with the character’s story. So, no matter what’s going on, it needs to be relatable to something in a reader’s life. That, to me, is the most important element. Personally, my favorite books all have romance in them!
What was the hardest thing about writing a book?
Every book is different. Yes, you learn things every time you write a book, but each book writes differently. So it’s one of those things that’s a new challenge each time. Which is both awesome and frustrating. As my friend Linnea (see question #17) says, you know how to ski; that doesn’t mean you’ve skied THIS mountain before. This mountain (this book) will be different from any of the others.
How many books have you written so far? Do you have a favorite?
In total, nine. No, I don’t have a favorite. Some of them were certainly easier to write than others, but I love something about each of them.
Do you have a favorite character?
Nope, I love them all, different things about each of them.
Where do you write?
All over the place. :) It depends on what I’m working on. For first drafts, I find it’s usually easier for me to work somewhere other than home. Starbucks, Barnes and Noble, the library, etc. But I have a home office as well, which is where I’m answering this interview.
When deciding on how to publish, what directed you to the route you took?
Many writers like to have more control and input on the business side of things, which leads them to self-publish, but I prefer to focus on writing as much as possible. So, I wanted to be published through traditional means.
Have you gotten feedback from family about your book(s)? What do they think?
My family is incredibly supportive and I’m so grateful! I think my mom enjoys reading them to find the little bits of reality I put in sometimes. For example, if I use a specific address, it’s often a place we lived when I was a kid. (We moved a lot!)
What kinds of things do you like to do outside of writing?
Reading, of course. But I’m a huge TV and movie fan. I’m frequently on Twitter talking TV with my fellow fans. And my husband and I go to the movies probably once a week during the summer. I also have two greyhounds and I’m very fond of doggie snuggle time.
What kinds of advice would you give to someone who wants to start writing?
Read a lot, in your preferred genre and outside of it. Keep a writing journal. Don’t quit writing a story/idea until you’ve at least completed a rough draft. Only talk about writing and your writing dreams with those you know for sure will be supportive. Have fun. Write for yourself first. Learn about your craft (take classes, read writing books, find techniques that work for you.) Don’t be afraid to dream.
What is your favorite book? favorite author? Do you have an author that inspired/inspires you to write?
It’s hard to pick just one favorite book or author. I love, love, love Jane Austen. Pride and Prejudice is one of my favorite stories in any form. (My second favorite is Persuasion.) In terms of contemporary writers, I have such an author crush on Meg Cabot. I adore her books, and she makes it look so effortless.
Do you have any go to people when writing a book that help you with your story lines as well as editing, beta reading and such?
Absolutely. I have a critique partner, the amazing and brilliant Linnea Sinclair. I also have several people who read for me once I have a completed draft.
Are you working on anything now?
Right now, I’m working on the third and final book in the Project Paper Doll series. :) Title TBD.
Thanks so much for stopping by today, Stacey. It was great to have you hear and the read about your process and other bookish stuff. I am really excited to read the next installment in the Project Paper Doll series!
Stacey is offering a giveaway of a singed copy of her book The Rules (Project Paper Doll)! Scroll down to enter the giveaway via the Rafflecopter below.

She lives in the Chicago suburbs with her husband, Greg, and three retired racing greyhounds, Joezooka (Joe), Tall Walker (Walker) and SheWearsThePants (Pansy). When she’s not reading or writing, you’ll likely find her parked in front of the television with her Roswell DVDs, staring rapturously at Jason Behr.
The Ghost and the Goth is her first YA novel. You can find her (far too often) on Facebook and Twitter as well ashttp://www.staceykade.com.
Buy Stacey's Books!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Book looks great, thanks for the giveaway! :)
ReplyDeleteI loved the Ghost and the Goth Series, and The Rules is on my TBR! Awesome interview! And thanks for the giveaway! :)