Today we are super excited to be featuring author Rachel Harris on Contessa at the Crossroads!
You may have heard of Rachel's awesome book:

Can she find her way back to modern times before her Italian adventure turns into an Italian forever?
Title: My Super Sweet Sixteenth Century
Publisher: Entangled Publishing
Publication Date: September 11, 2012
Doesn't it sound just totally terrific? So, do you want to hear what Rachel had to say? Then read on!
Did you always know you wanted to be a writer or did you want to be something else?
I actually went to school to produce television shows and movies. In college, I hosted and produced several shows for the campus network, and I interned at Entertainment Tonight in NYC. But in the end, I decided to become a full-time, homeschool mom. In 2010, after telling a ton of bedtime stories and reading everything I could get my hands on, I decided to put my creative energy into writing my own stories. And it’s been the biggest blessing ever.
- How long does it take you to write a book from start to finish?
It depends on what life is throwing at me at the time, but I’d say about 2 ½ months on average—My first book, 2nd Type of Girl (title will be changed) which is coming out in 2014 with Spencer Hill Contemporary, took me 3 months. My Super Sweet Sixteenth Century, the second book I wrote but the first to be published, only took 2 months. Unwrap Me, my adult romance novella I co-wrote as Carolina Jordan with Samantha Spencer (Shannon Duffy), took 11 days, and A Tale of Two Centuries took almost 4 months.
- What elements do you think make a great story line?
The books I love to write almost always have a romance at the core and humor of some sort running throughout (in some, the humor is more blatant). Those are also the kinds of books I like to read.
For me, as a reader or writer, I need a strong character arc. I want to see the characters I’m rooting for grow as they navigate the events they are going through and come out the other end stronger. I love deep POV and getting lost in description, and if a book can get me to have that warm fuzzy feeling at the end, I’m good to go.
How many books have you written so far? Do you have a favorite?
How many books have you written so far? Do you have a favorite?
I’ve completed 3 books and a novella, and I am about 2 weeks shy of finishing my first full-length adult romance and then I’m jumping back into Rearview Mirror, by YA Thriller. As I’m writing the book, it’s my favorite. They each stand out in different ways, for different reasons. It’s impossible to pick a favorite
Where do you write?
I write wherever I can! Like I said, I’m a homeschool mom, so while I normally write at my desk, I’ve been known to crank words out at the library, various McDonald’s playlands, and hotel rooms. The hotel rooms my husband gets for me for weekends at a time are my favorite though, I have to admit. He spoils me!
Have you gotten feedback from family about your book(s)? What do they think?
Yes, I have! They are all so supportive. My kids haven’t totally read it (they are 7 and 8), but I’ve let them read parts, and they think I’m famous. Both of my parents have read it, and my mother-in-law is one of my biggest cheerleaders. And my husband has not only read everything I’ve written, but he also gives me excellent notes. He never stops believing in me, even when I think what I’m writing completely sucks LOL
What kinds of things do you like to do outside of writing?
I’m an obsessive reader. Seriously, I read like crazy. If I’m not writing, I’m either reading or homeschooling my daughters, which mostly involves reading a lot of good books about various topics anyway
What kinds of advice would you give to someone who wants to start writing?
Read a lot. Not just read though, pay attention. What speaks to you? Why did you smile when you did, why did your heart beat faster? Jot down ideas that come to your mind as your writing, and one day, take one of your favorite books and study it. Break it down and see how they did what they did. Not to copy it, but to learn. Other than that, I’d say get connected with other authors. Whether that is in person with a local writing group or online somehow, start building a community around yourself that you can lean on. Their support is priceless.
Do you have any go to people when writing a book that help you with your story lines as well as editing, beta reading and such?
My critique partners are also my best friends. Shannon Duffy and Trisha Wolfe keep me sane. I also lean a lot on Rose Garcia, Tara Fuller, Lisa Burstein, Cindi Madsen, and Lea Nolan. My husband is always up for bouncing ideas around, too, and he’s really good at it. There are a lot of authors and writers and readers who help at valuable times, but right here is my dream team.
Are you working on anything now?
I’m finishing up my first full-length adult romance, and I have to say I’m in love with this story. Then it’s back to Rearview Mirror, the YA Contemporary Thriller coming out with Entangled Teen in 2014. This story is different than the other books I’ve written and it has dual POV which is so much fun to write, and it’s set in my hometown of New Orleans. Actually, so is my adult romance. I’m a proud Cajun girl!
I want to thank Rachel so much for being here with us today! It was great having you. Continued success in your writing career!
Rachel has generously donated an ecopy of her book! So scroll down and fill out the Rafflecopter for a chance to win!

As an adult, I read and write obsessively, rehash said embarrassing fodder, and dream up characters who become my imaginary friends.
When I'm not typing furiously or flipping pages in an enthralling romance, you can find me homeschooling my two beautiful princesses, hanging out with my amazing husband, or taking a hot bubble bath…next to a pile of chocolate.
My Super Sweet Sixteenth Century, out now from Entangled Teen
Unwrap Me, co-written as Carolina Jordan with Samantha Spencer, out now
A Tale of Two Centuries, Summer 2013 from Entangled Teen
Rearview Mirror, Spring 2014 from Entangled Teen
2nd Type of Girl, 2014 from Spencer Hill Contemporary
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