Wow, Sunday already, can you believe it? This week has been a series of great reads for me! And I'm excited to share my reviews with you!

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Wow, I don't even know what to say. To say I was anticipating this book would be an understatement. I truly loved Under the Never Sky. I relished it and couldn't get enough of the characters, the world building, the emotions it brought out in me. And now, to have read the second book in this series, I can honestly say that it was even better than the first. How did Rossi do that? How did she take me from loving her characters to REALLY loving her characters? From being held in suspense with her cliffhanger ending, to not wanting this second installment to end? I'll tell you how: with great story telling and magnificent writing, that's how!
Blurb from Goodreads:
It's been months since Aria last saw Perry. Months since Perry was named Blood Lord of the Tides, and Aria was charged with an impossible mission. Now, finally, they are about to be reunited. But their reunion is far from perfect. The Tides don't take kindly to Aria, a former Dweller. And with the worsening Aether storms threatening the tribe's precarious existence, Aria begins to fear that leaving Perry behind might be the only way to save them both.
Threatened by false friends, hidden enemies, and powerful temptations, Aria and Perry wonder, Can their love survive through the ever night?
In this second book in her spellbinding Under the Never Sky trilogy, Veronica Rossi combines fantasy and dystopian elements to create a captivating love story as perilous as it is unforgettable
I'd like to take a moment to comment on this totally and completely Amazing cover. I have to say that the original cover of Under the Never Sky did not capture me, despite the fact that the story did. And when Rossi released the new cover, I almost cried. It was so perfect. Fit the story of Aria just so well. And then when I saw this amazing cover, I couldn't contain myself. The colors, the guy on the front, everything about it, just captures and enthralls me. It calls to me, making me want to open and relish what is inside.
And could Rossi have made her characters better. I didn't think I could like Aria more. She's strong and efficient, affectionate and knowledgeable. But most of all, she knows what to do and when to do it and she's not afraid to do what she needs to do. And she will fight to get it. In Under the Never Sky, she was closed and disorienting, she was weak and fragile. In this book, she is open and understandable; she stands as a fighter and is a force to be reckoned with. She doesn't do stupid things, although some might say she does. She does what she feels is right, what needs to be done to keep those she loves safe.
And Perry, oh Perry, he's just totally "swoonable." More so now with how he will readily show that he has a great love for Aria. That she needs to be part of his life because he is rendered to her and will never be able to let go. And his growth in this book is amazing. He goes from a simple hunter, to the Blood Lord, someone who is in charge. And this responsibility is a hard load for him to handle, something that sits like a huge weight upon his shoulders. He doesn't take comfortably to it at first, he slowly grows into it earning the respect of the tribe as he makes mistakes and learns from them, but also makes decisions that he knows are right.
But, my favorite character, by far, is Roar. I just cannot get enough of him. He is arrogant and completely cocky. He loyal and totally loving. He is hysterically funny and knows just the right thing to say in every situation. But, most of all, he's completely loveable and easily understandable. He is open, there is nothing cryptic about him. Nothing mysterious that leaves you wondering why he is the way he is. Roar is very much an open book that tugs at your heart strings and really sticks it right to your emotions. To say that I did not feel his emotions in this book would be a lie because, despite the book really being from Aria and Perry's POVs, you can totally see and feel every part that Roar is in. Every scene that he enters is crisp and clean, raw and intense. I love him so much.
And we get a short glimpse into the woman that is Liv. Too short, in my opinion, and I wonder if there will be more of her in the future. I certainly hope we get some kind of HEA for Roar because he so deserves it.
The story line is loaded with action and adventure. I wasn't sure that Rossi would surpass what she was able to do in the first book, how can you top the sensations you felt as Aria and Perry got to know one another? But she really was able to do it, and with ease, it seems. Rossi balanced the happy so well with the heartbreak, you didn't want to stop reading, even though you knew it might break you in two. But most of all this story loaded with emotion and raw intensity. I love Rossi's use of words and how she totally draws you into her story through the aether and the tension it brings to the tribes and dwellers. I also love the survival instinct she instills in her characters throughout the book. And how this overflows to all the characters who know that in order to survive they must look out for one thing, themselves. Yet, her "leaders" are determined to live and fight along side their keep and do what is best for them.
I think one of my favorite parts of the story line is how well Rossi is able to help you picture the differences in the worlds of the dwellers and outsiders. It's amazing that she can take you from this savage, unpredictable landscape to the enclosed, sterile realms of the pods. Simply amazing.
If you thought you loved Under the Never Sky, thought there was now way Rossi could top herself, you will find that you were dead wrong when you read this story. Already I am wondering what will happen next. Already I am thinking I want the next book and the wait will be more than I can bear. So, do I recommend this book, um, from my 5 star rating I am sure that you will say yes! Go, run, prance, dance to the store or online and get this book NOW. Because, if you were a fan of the first book, I promise this second installment does not fall flat or to the wayside in any way, shape or form!
5 stars from me.

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Ok, so I picked up this book because I am going to get to the meet the author and I wanted to make sure I had read at least one of the books she wrote. I wasn't sure what to expect at all. I didn't know if I would like to story line, and boy was I pleasantly surprised!
Blurb from Goodreads:
Until three months ago, everything about sixteen-year-old Camelia's life had been fairly ordinary: decent grades; an okay relationship with her parents; and a pretty cool part-time job at an art studio downtown. But when Ben, the mysterious new guy, starts junior year at her high school, Camelia's life becomes far from ordinary.
Rumored to be somehow responsible for his ex-girlfriend's accidental death, Ben is immediately ostracized by everyone on campus. Except for Camelia. She's reluctant to believe he's trouble, even when her friends try to convince her otherwise. Instead she's inexplicably drawn to Ben...and to his touch. But soon, Camelia is receiving eerie phone calls and strange packages with threatening notes. Ben insists she is in danger, and that he can help – but can he be trusted? She knows he's hiding something...but he's not the only one with a secret.
First, I love this cover. Love, love, love it! It's mysterious and full of awesomness. I totally love the anonymity of the cover model.
Camelia is an interesting character. She tries so hard to be brave, so hard to stay away from what she knows might not be good for her, but she's not so good at either one. She doubts herself constantly. She hides things that you really think she shouldn't but at the same time you love her Nancy Drew ways. It's like you want her to figure it out. It's like you are routing for her to do it while still biting back a scream to tell her to go to the police.
And Ben, well, he's certainly a mysterious dude. I just could not figure him out. I was trying to hard to see what it was that was keeping him from diving into his relationship with Camelia, but it was a total mystery to me. And then when it was revealed, it was something I was not expecting at all (despite the title of the series). I could not figure out if I should trust him or shout at Camelia to run the tother way!
I completely love the friend triangle that is Camelia, Kimmie and Wes. They kept me on my toes and really were very entertaining.
I have to say that I don't usually like creepy in a book, but the creepiness and mystery of this book is what kept me reading. I couldn't put it down. The premise is unlike anything else I have ever read. I was not expecting it at all. And I love it! I want more right now. And I'm so excited that I still have four more books to read in this series so I can keep getting my fix. The plot twist at the end had me so surprised. I certainly knew that it would be someone who was close to Camelia, but I just could not figure out who it was that was stalking her.
One thing I loved about the romance of this book is that it wasn't what defined the storyline. It waxed and waned throughout until, bam, it culminated a bit, but then faltered off again. I liked that it didn't rule the plot line. And, while I loved the attraction between Ben and Camelia, and I was rooting for them throughout, hoping he was the good guy, I didn't want it to be the definition of what kept this story going. What kept this story going was the eeriness of the dual POV, how the stalker's warped sense of possession grew over time until it toppled things over.
This book kept me in suspense the entire time. It was thrilling and mysterious and totally unexpected. Stolarz hooks you from the first page of this book. I was so enthralled with the writing, but at the same time I was taken aback by how abrupt it was. It made it hard for me to put it down and I ended up reading it in only one day (with work and kids and everything!).
There were a few technical inconsistencies with this book that bothered me a bit, but I was able to overlook them because of the greatness of the plot line.
At first I gave this book 4 stars, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized I could not put it down, I realized I had to give it 5 stars. So, go read this great book. I don't think you'l be disappointed in the least.

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I read this quickly this morning. Very cute. I love the relationship between Ash and Meaghan. And I love how romantic Ash is. If only we could have a Prince for ourselves in real life. I have to say that I wasn't thrilled when I started this series, but now I'm sad it's over. Glad there is another series that follows!

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I want to thank Spencer Hill Press for providing me a copy of this book to read and give an honest review. Receiving this book for free has in no way influenced my opinion or review.
Blurb from Goodreads:
Finn (not bleedin' Finnegan) MacCullen is eager to begin his apprenticeship. He soon discovers the ups and downs of hunting monsters in a suburban neighborhood under the demanding tutelage of the Knight, Gideon Lir. Both master and apprentice are descendents of the Tuatha De Danaan, a magical race of warriors from Ireland. Scattered long ago to the four corners of the world, the De Danaan wage a two thousand year old clandestine battle with their ancient enemy, the Amandán, a breed of goblin-like creatures.
Now with the beasts concentrating their attacks on Finn, he and his master must race to locate the lost Spear of the Tuatha De Danaan, the only weapon that can destroy the Amandán, all the while hiding his true identity from his new friends, Rafe and Savannah, twins whose South African roots may hold a key to Finn's survival. Armed with a bronze dagger, some ancient Celtic magic, and a hair-trigger temper, Finn is about to show his enemies the true meaning of "fighting Irish."
The first thing that drew me to this book is the cover. I love the green color. And the title font is totally awesome. The cover really conveys that this book is about something Irish and some kind of “warrior”. Immediately, I knew I was going to be intrigued by the story. The cover, combined with the blurb had me really chomping at the bit to get my ARC! And when it came in the mail, I jumped right in.
Finn MacCullen’s character is really great. Karchut portrayed a young boy coming into himself so well. He’s determined and stubborn. He wants to be independent but is constantly learning in order to do that he must listen and learn from his mentor. And Finn is a modern boy who is enveloped in a world of lore and fantasy. In a world we only dream about with monsters and magic.
Gideon Lir is such a great father figure for Finn. He’s tough, but certainly has that gentle lovingness underneath that a 13 year old boy needs in his life. He teaches Finn great lessons, but tries to protect him at the same time. It’s nice to watch his character unfold from a man who shields himself behind a wall to hide his feelings into a man who truly cares for the boy in his keep. And he is a master at teaching Finn lessons through demonstration rather than pure explanation. I could really hear Gideon’s lyrical Irish voice in my head as I read the book, which I loved.
The secondary characters were great as support. Working in another warrior and keep was a great balance and certainly helped Finn learn a lesson of true life. And having Finn welcome human friends into his life was also surprising but really showed that this boy turned warrior really was just the 13 year old boy he needed to be.
The characters are realistic and relatable. I can surely see another 13 year old child understanding everything Finn is going through during this story.
The story certainly had me guessing. I wasn’t sure where it was going or where it would end up. I love how Karchut mixes our modern world with the world of the supernatural. The use of the ravens to signify trouble is particularly interesting seeing as this bird has typically been used to signify a bad omen or the coming of war. It was a great choice as Finn and Gideon face a war on their people. It was great to watch Finn grow and learn; to come into himself and see that he is truly a Tuatha De Danaan.
I loved Karchut’s writing. It flowed well and was easy to read. I’m glad she put a key at the beginning for the pronunciation of the Irish words. For sure, I would never have pronounced those words the way they are supposed to be said. And the way the book was written you could put it down after a chapter if you needed to, which is often the case with me as I have three kids to care for!
I really haven’t had the chance to read much middle grade as of late. But I do enjoy them when I’m able to put them on my TBR. This is one not to be missed. If you have a child who reads middle grade adventure, this is surely for them. Job well done Darby for a book that is not only interesting but teaches life lessons while pulling you along through a great story. I can’t wait to read the next adventure Finn and his crew embark on!
4 out of 5 stars.

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I want to thank Disney Hyperion for providing me an ARC of this book to read and review. Receiving this book for free in no way has influenced my opinion or review.
Blurb from Goodreads:
Rory Miller had one chance to fight back and she took it. Rory survived… and the serial killer who attacked her escaped. Now that the infamous Steven Nell is on the loose, Rory must enter the witness protection with her father and sister, Darcy, leaving their friends and family without so much as a goodbye.
Starting over in a new town with only each other is unimaginable for Rory and Darcy. They were inseparable as children, but now they can barely stand each other. As the sisters settle in to Juniper Landing, a picturesque vacation island, it seems like their new home may be just the fresh start they need. They fall in with a group of beautiful, carefree teens and spend their days surfing, partying on the beach, and hiking into endless sunsets. But just as they’re starting to feel safe again, one of their new friends goes missing. Is it a coincidence? Or is the nightmare beginning all over again?
It's going to be hard for me to talk about this book without revealing it's "secret" but I'm going to try my hardest to keep this review spoiler free.
I have to say that I wasn't at all sure what this book was about. As a matter of fact, I requested it upon the advice of a friend who had read it and liked it. I didn't read the blurb or any reviews before diving in. I figured I usually love the books Disney puts out, so why would this be any different. And it did not disappoint, that is for sure. Did it leave me wondering every time I put it down, yes it did. Did it leave me wanting to keep reading so that I could finally figure out the mystery, absolutely. I just couldn't figure out why everything was so bizarre, why things were happening that totally perplexed me. And then I reached the second to last chapter, and "bing" a light bulb went off inside my head and I totally got where the book was taking me. I thought I would be creeped out by this book, that scary things would happen and I would have nightmares, but I was dead wrong.
I need to mention my love of this cover. At first, I wasn't so sure of it. It seemed so bizarre with the girl on the front and birds flying around. I'm not sure why I didn't think about the meaning behind those birds, but now it totally makes sense. And, since finishing the book and getting a real understanding of why things were presented the way they were, I completely understand the idea behind the cover! My only complaint about the cover is that if it's supposed to be the main character, it is completely off as she is described in the book with blond hair. But maybe it is not supposed to be her, though if it's not I cannot understand why.
I must say that I really liked the character of Rory. She was sharp and caustic at times.She was also strong and didn't worry about questioning others when it came to her safety. But she had this subtle emotional side to her that she kept bottled inside and I knew eventually it would need to be set free. Her relationship with her sister and father are totally strained, but she sweeps it under the rug because she doesn't think anything will get fixed. However, after her attack, things start to slowly change and she begins to realize that her family is pulling back together after the tragedy that struck them 5 years earlier. I loved watching Rory battle with herself, trying to find peace. And she was very relatable and easy to connect with. I could feel her anger, her fear, her happiness and her confusion. It flew right off the page at me.
Her sister Darcy was annoying at first. Stuck up and pretentious, demanding and gave off an air of superiority. Precocious and blaming. I wanted to pull her hair at times. But she was a good balance for Rory's character. And watching both girls relationship slowly heel with their dad was nice. What was once broken starts to become whole. And you feel the cohesiveness and bonds start to reform and take root. Tristan and Joaquim are totally mysterious. This adds to the thrill of the ride through the book. I never knew where they were going, what they were up to, where they would show up next. They seemed to appear suddenly out of nowhere and disappear just as fast. The other secondary characters did much of the same. And as people started to disappear, I wondered if this "team" of beautiful teens had anything to do with it.
I loved Brian's writing in this story. There was nothing choppy or predictable about it. She understands how to create a story that will leave you wanting to turn the pages and have you sitting on the edge of your seat. There is nothing predictable about the story, making it hard to put down. I commend her for a job well done with the storytelling. I have to say that I was not expecting the ending, but once it happened, I realized the clues were all there throughout the entire book. The story had me on an adrenaline high the entire time. I rarely wanted to put it down and did so only to sleep and do some work, oh and take care of my children. The plot was really mind blowing. And to boot, this is set to be a series, so my mind is wondering what direction Brian is going to take us as she unfolds more of this storyline. And Brian took an interesting stance with alternating the POV from the main female character to the thoughts of the serial killer bent on taking her life.
I truly enjoyed this book. If you are into mystery and a thrilling adventure that will leave you pacing and wanting to keep coming back to the story, this is the book for me. And if you want a story that will stay with you, haunt you and keep you returning to things and pondering why you didn't see them before, well, then you need to go out and pick this one up!
4 out of 5 stars from me.
View all my reviews And those are my reviews for this week!
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