Welcome to Feature Friday where The Cover Contessa features another book blogger!
Today we are welcoming Jessica from:
I'm excited to hear her answers to our questions. The Cover Contessa has been working with Jessica on books tours through her site. She also revamped this blog to make it look as it does now! Thanks Jessica!
So without further ado, let's here her answers, shall we?
Where were you born and where do you call home?
-----I was born in Wooster, Ohio and lived there until I was 5. Then we moved to Florida then at 14 moved back to Ohio. Then again at age 24 I moved back to Florida. Which is where I live today.
How long have you been a blogger?
---- I have been blogging for over 10 years. I have had Crossroad Tours since 2009.
What is the name of the book you most recently blogged about?
---- O My!!! I do around 4-5 reviews a day sometimes. But, the most recent one would prob. Be The Princess of the Silver Woods
Did you like the cover? Rate it on a scale of 1 stars to 5 stars, 5 being the best?
---- yes it was very pretty. It kind of reminds me of little red riding hood. I rate it about a 4. Since I've seen better covers. It's pretty but it's drop dead gorgeous.
If you could ask the author 3 questions about this book, what would they be?
----What made you think to write a book from the story of the 12 princesses?
---- What made you think to have this as a series vs, a stand alone?
---- Do you think it will ever be picked up to be made into a movie or tv show?
Can you name a favorite scene from the book?
----I really love the wolves. They are awesome and give a new take on this tale.
What character did you like the most? The least? Why?
---- The grandmother. In this tale which is kind of a blend of a lot of fairy tales. She is evil.
Was this a series or stand alone? If it is a series, will you read the rest of the books?
---- This is a series. If I can get them from netgalley then yup I'll be sure to pick them up. Or at least request them.
Was this a review book or something you picked out to read? Do you think that influenced your review?
----It was a review via Netgalley. Nope. I don't really care where I get the book from (always legal no pirates here) I will review the book with honesty.
What did you rate this book?
---- This one got 5 stars. It was great.
Have you written a book yourself or are you planning to in the future?
---- I have a few books I have started. But, I have one that has been sent out to a publisher. So hopefully I hear something back soon.
What genre is your favorite and why?
----I love teen ya. Because, they are normally easy to understand and they don't tend to have a lot of the sex and such that adult fiction/fantasy has.
If you were shipwrecked on a desert island what 3 books would you want with you and why?
---- Lol omg I don't know. If it was right now I would have to take hidden since I have read it yet. It's the last book to the House Of Night series. The other two would prob. Be very long books. Like something that is close to 5000 pages. Can I glue my Morganville Vampire books together and call it one? Or better yet. Can I just take my kindle or iPad with a never ending supply of battery?
Is there an Author that you would really like to meet? Is there an author that you really wanted to meet and had the pleasure of doing so?
---- I think I'd have to go old school and want to meet tolkien I loved the lord of the rings. I have ment a few airs but unless you are Pagan they wouldn't mean much to you. But I'll toss them out there anyway. I have ment Raymond Buckland whom is accredited with bringing Wicca to the us.
Do you prefer ebooks, paperbacks or hardcover?
---- I would always like to get print books. There is nothing like getting a print book in the mail and getting to read it before the general public. But as we all know publishers and authors cant send all of us ARC's so we have to live with ebooks which are great. Especially on the go. I know next year when I go to BEA in NY I will have my iPad with me to read on the train.
Where do you buy your books?
----everywhere. Bookstores, Amazon, I get them from authors and publishers. Used bookstores, and of course yard sales.
Have you ever read a book more than once? Which one and why?
---- this would be the Twilight saga. Yes I'm a die hard fan lol. I have read those books the most. I just got done re-reading Breaking Dawn before the movie came out. So that would most likely be number 20 for reading that book for me. I know I'm crazy.
Do you prefer movies over books ever?
---- deff not. I do love the movies. And getting to see the characters come to life. But the books just give you so much more information. Like with The Hunger Games. The train ride in the book was like a chapter or two and in the movie it was around 10 seconds. It was very short.
What book are you currently reading and in what format (ebook/paperback/hardcover)?
---- I am reading The Darkest Mind and its great and I have it in both ebook and print
What book are you about to start reading?
---OMG my TBR shelf is kinda large. But it's not to bad. The next book for me to read is the Hilary Duff series. I have them all in print. Simon and Schuster sent them all to me including an arc of True due out in April.
What book do you know that you will never read? Why?
---- this one is easy. 50 shades of gray. That is one that will never be on my TBR list. Lol.
Are there any new authors that have grasped your interest recently and why?
---Jodi meadow. I love her! She wrote Incarnate
Have you read a book that you would like to rewrite the ending of?
---Yes omg Tuck Everlasting. The ending pissed me off lol.
Do you like book trailers? Why or why not?
---Yes I love them and make them. It really gives you a nice glimpse into what the books is about and they are so neat and pretty.
Name your three favorite book covers:
1. Incarnate
2. Dark Companion
3. Of Poseidon
Where do you usually blog?
----My site Crossroad Reviews and Tours
Do you have any pet peeves?
----when everyone falls In love with a book and I read all of these 5 star reviews. And then I read the book and it sucks.
How often do you blog?
----all the time. I never stop. My Saturday's are filled with me scheduling posts for the following two weeks.
How many books do you read in a month?
---- if the books are under 400 pages then around 30. If they are mostly over 400 then around 20.
Do you have a reading log for your books? Do you have a goal for the year?
----Not really. I just try to pick out books that look like something I would want to read and review the,
How do you organize your books?
----lol I don't. My series are mostly together but they are just on the bookshelves. Now I do have one bookshelf that has all of my books that I am done reviewing and need to review.
What is your favorite color?
What are 5 items you never leave home without:
1. iPhone
2. iPad
3. A book to read (sometimes this is already on my iPad and sometimes a print book)
4. My 2 year old since she can't stay home alone. Lol
5. Paper and pens (never know when you need to make a note)
What is your most favorite electronic gadget?
IPhone and iPad
Name your three book crushes:(don't let my husband see this)
1. Jace from The Mortal Instruments series
2. Liam from The Forsaken
3. Edward from Twilight (NOT ROB!!! But Edward FROM the book!)
Is there a character you love to hate?
----Rosalie I really did hate her in the Twilight series.
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate?
----Can I say all? If I have to pick one then it would be my Carmel coffee made in my coffee press! Yummy
What is your favorite food to eat?
----pizza food for people on the go lol
What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?
---- YOMO cinnamon roll
What is your favorite TV show? Movie?
----tv show would be Supernatural hands down. I'm a die hard fan. Movie would be the lord of the rings and the hobbit.
What are you most fearful of?
----spiders and bees
Where can we STALK you?
My blog:http://www.crossroadreviews.com
My facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/crossroadreviews
My Goodreads page: don't have one
Twitter: @crossroadreview (no I didn't forget the S)
Other: if you check my site there is a full list of places you can find me.
Thank you so much for taking the time to do this interview with me and allowing us a glimpse into your blogging world.
Thank you for sharing and thank you for blogging.
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