Is love stronger than race?
The world is changing as we know it, the human race is dwindling, but so are the angels. In order to preserve their bloodlines they have bred with humans, creating a new race called Nephilim. But there is one race that is more endangered than humans or Seraphim, Archangels.
As most people believe the Archangels have become extinct, rumours surface of a Legend; that a baby was born out of flame, the offspring of an archangel.
Dyston Blackbell is tasked to find and protect this child. He sends her strange dreams in hope that she will find him. When he discovers that she has enrolled at his family’s angel academy in Melbourne, he will do anything to protect Scarlett. But when he finds himself falling for her the Heavenly realm rejects him.
But 21-year-old Scarlett Porter realises that being half Archangel has some advantages. She has developed a unique trait, one that marks her as an Archangel. Will she keep it to herself or use it to fight back?
When an old enemy resurfaces, The Lucifites, Scarlett discovers that Dyston’s older brother Lakyn is at the helm of their sinister plans; to destroy the Nephilim race or use Scarlett for their own selfish purposes when they find out who she really is.
And when Lakyn discovers that Scarlett had only seduced him to rescue Dyston from his prison in the Realm of Light, it sends him on a journey of self-discovery and destruction. One that sees him venturing farther off course than his father would like. Will he choose a new life of love or his old life of darkness?
When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer? I first realized I wanted to be a writer in my teens when I began writing song lyrics and short stories. I’ve always wanted to write a book.
How long does it take you to write a book? It took me about 4- 5 months to write my first book, It’s hard to tell. I guess it depends on how fast the ideas come to me. I was pretty lucky with my first book.
What do you think makes a great story?I think what makes a great story is great likeable characters and a great setting and plot. One that is never dull so that it keeps you reading.
What is your work schedule like when you're writing?First I check emails and messages and reply to those. And then I go and plan what I am going to work on, what scene or book. But I make sure I take regular breaks.
How do you balance family and writing?I make sure I give myself time to write and on the said breaks I do family stuff.
Where do you get your information or ideas for your books?The idea for my first book came to me in a dream and I built on that. All my ideas usually come to me in dreams but I pull little things from situations around me.
What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books? I guess the most surprising thing was how quick the ideas came to me and how quickly I finished book one. I also found out that it’s hard to make the story long. As a former fan-fiction writer I think I’ve struggled most with that.
How many books have you written? Which is your favorite? I have only finished one book, which is in the editing stage. But am currently writing book 2 of that series and book 1 of its sister series. I think my first book The Chronicle of Fire and Ice will always be my favourite.
Are your characters based on anyone you know?A few of my characters are based on my friends yes. And I’ve drawn behaviours and speech from my sixteen-year old sister for another character.
Do you have a favorite place you love to write?When I am not at my computer I love to write outside on the deck if its sunny.
How hard is is to get published?It is extremely hard to get published the traditional way. But the revolution of self -publishing has changed that. It is now possible for every author to get published.
What do your family and friends think about your books?They are all so excited and proud of me for doing this and cant wait to see the finished products. My friends and family are guaranteed first copies.
What do you like to do when you are not writing?When I am not writing I watch my favourite TV shows or read or play with my animals.
Do you have any suggestions to help aspiring writers better themselves and their craft? If so, what are they? Yes, believe in yourself that you can do this and don’t let anyone or anything put doubt in your head. Also don’t be offended if people give you negative feedback. There are people out there who have nothing better to do than write negative comments but you have go to take it as advice and go with it. In the end that’s what makes you a better writer.
As a child, what did you want to do when you grew up? I changed my mind a lot. First I wanted to be a vet but that wasn’t going to happen. But I have always had an interest in performing arts and writing.
What are your favorite books and which authors inspire you?Kathy Reichs and Cassandra Clare are my favourite authors, Kathy because I wanted to be a Forensic Scientist and an author like her, and Cassie because she has created such beautiful worlds and lore and loveable characters which inspired my books a bit. Phillip Pullman’s His Dark Materials trilogy also inspired me because of the amazing fantasy worlds he created.
For an aspiring writer what do you feel are certain do's and don’ts for getting their material published?DON’T assume that big publishers are just going to accept your work and make you rich overnight. It does happen but its 90% of the time it doesn’t. It is a lot of work to get published.
DON’T get your hopes up too much but DO be optimistic, it will happen when the time is right.
DO make sure your manuscript is edited and polished properly before submitting. Traditional publishers like it when they have to do as little work as possible as they are very busy. This is applies to self- publishing.
What are you working on now?I am currently editing The Chronicle of Fire and Ice and writing The Garden of Eden (sister series) and book 2 of The Legend of The Archangel series.
Thanks so much for stopping by to talk with us today, Laura! It's been fun having your hear and learning more about you and your process! Good luck with your future books!
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