Today I could not be more excited! It's my day to host Christine Fonseca for the blog tour of her second book of the Requiem series Libera Me! People, this series is TO DIE FOR! I kid you not. It's totally and completely amazing. If you have not started it, get out there and get them because I promise you you will not be disappointed!
Here's a little tease about this totally fabulous book!
Aydan thought Nesy’s death would be the end of him, until he meets Nessa and his hope is restored. Could she be Nesy reborn? He is certain she must be. That is, until her lack of memories and incessant nightmares begin to erode his faith. Zane is used to trusting his mind, his wisdom and his angelic senses. But these attributes are no help with Nessa. He has no way to be certain of her identity, no way of knowing the truth. That is, unless he listens to the one thing he has refused to acknowledge throughout his existence - he feelings for Nesy. Blind to both angel and demon, Aydan and Zane must figure out the truth behind Nesy's identity before all is lost, Azza discovers the truth and the Beast is again unleashed. The lines between good and evil have never been so blurred.
Buy information will not be available until October, but it will be available through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other fine retailers.
Additional Titles in the series include DIES IRAE (a Requiem Novella), LACRIMOSA (Requiem Series #1) and MEA CULPA (a Requiem Novella).
About Christine:

School psychologist by day, critically acclaimed YA and nonfiction author by night, Christine Fonseca believes that writing is a great way to explore humanity. Her many titles include TRANSCEND, DIES IRAE, LACRIMOSA, MEA CULPA, and in nonfiction: 101 SUCCESS SECRETS FOR GIFTED KIDS and EMOTIONAL INTENSITY IN GIFTED STUDENTS.
When she’s not writing or spending time with her family, she can be sipping too many skinny vanilla lattes at her favorite coffee house or playing around on Facebook and Twitter. Catch her daily thoughts about writing and life on her blog.
For more information about Christine Fonseca or the series, visit her website – or her blog
To celebrate to release and thank her readers, Christine is hosting a little contest honoring each of the main characters. Prizes include a new release YA book, Book swag, and even some of her own titles. She is also giving a Kindle as part of her Fall Release Party.
As part of my stop, the lovely Christine has agreed to do a little interview. I asked her some unusual questions in the hopes it would give us some insight into who she is. Let's hear what she has to say!
What is your guilty pleasure?
I would have to say Dark Chocolate. I try to stay away from sweets, but I have a huge love of dark chocolate! HUGE. In the non-food LOL
If you were a super hero, what power would you have?
Absolutely, I’d be an empath – someone who can feel and influence the emotions of others.
If you were a super hero, what would be your "kryptonite?"
Using that same Empath scenario from above, I’d have to say watching people in pain, unable to do anything about it. That is my ultimate weakness. I have to get involved. I can’t watch it happen and do nothing
If you could choose another author to co-author with, it can be anyone of your wildest dreams, who would you pick?
Anyone in my wildest dreams, hun....Libba Bray or JK Rowling. I think they are both master storytellers, incredible writers, and people I strive to be more like. Yea, I am a total fan girl for both!
You are trapped on a desert island, name 5 things you would want with you.
Fresh drinking water; sunscreen (I FRY), bug repellant, paper and a pen or pencil. Everything else I can find, make, or figure out.
If you could be a character in any book you've read, which one would you choose?
I think I’d want to be Hermione Granger from Harry Potter.
How many purses do you own?
Um, ten or so. I love purses the way I love shoes!
What is the one food you cannot say "no" to?
Breads. If they are in the house and near me, I eat them. Period.
If one of your books were to be optioned for a movie, which one would it be and why?
That is a hard one. I am a visual-writer, meaning I “see” the scenes I write. So, I think all of my fiction is well suited for the big screen. Transcend would be a fabulous, creepy film. And the Requiem series I could see being very addicting to watch – especially with the special effects. EEP, the idea of it gives me chills.
Tell us what you have planned as far as writing for the future.
My goodness I have a TON planned. I recently mapped out my writing goals per month, and I am either drafting, editing or promoting (and usually 2-3 of those at once) every single month for the next year. I have a short coming out in Dec, as well as two nonfiction books and two novels slated for 2013. Fun...INSANE, but really fun. I am incredibly blessed. And I have all of YOU readers to thank for that!
Thanks so much for stopping by today, Christine, and giving us a little insight into who you are. And as part of the tour, Christine has offered two great giveaways, so scroll all the way down to enter and win!
I was fortunate enough to get to read an ARC of this unbelievably amazing book. Do you want to know what I thought? Read on below, I promise, no spoilers (at least none that I intended!).
I would like to thank my friend and the author Christine Fonseca for trusting me with a rough draft/ARC of this BEAUTIFULLY AMAZING book to read and give an honest review. I am honored and humbled to have been trusted to read this masterpiece of literature. And I was not in the least bit disappointed with it, as I knew would be the case. It took me a while to pull my thoughts together to be able to write this review because I just did not know how to coherently put my words on paper! Yes, this book is THAT good, THAT amazing. If you enjoyed Lacrimosa (Requiem #1) then you will be blown out of the water by what Libera Me offers to you! This book was so amazing that I read it TWICE, yes, you read that right, TWICE, just because I had to go back and re-wrap my mind around the story so I could get that much more out of it.
For starters I must comment on the cover of this book. It so accurately captures the theme of the book. The characters laying in opposite directions signifies to me the push and pull you feel between them as the book progresses. And how it depicts the two characters together, well, it's just HOT! You cannot get much better than that. I like this cover much more than the original one. When I first saw the new cover, I was so excited. Christine shared it with me before it was completed and I loved it then. Then I got to see it grow with her process of changing it and WOW! What an amazing choice for this book!
As always, the characters in this series completely and totally keep me wanting more. They are so well developed, it is not possible to not get completely and totally engrossed in them. I feel connections with each and every one of them. I love that this book takes a turn and tells the story from Aydan and Zane's points of view. It completely captures their feelings for Nesy, their torture in loving her and their struggle with whether or not to let her go. Reading of their struggle throughout this amazing piece of work was so hard. And yet, I could not stop because I needed to know how things would end for these characters.
Aydan is so conflicted, so tortured, my heart was always in my throat when I was reading his chapters. Watching him unravel is heart wrenching. Watching him battle his demons made me want to cry (and I did). I just love him and feel so badly for him as he tries to come to terms with his torment. And the ways in which he choses to deal with this torment kept me on the edge of my seat. I think the most interesting part of Aydan's struggle in this book is watching him try to figure out what is real and what is not. Trying to figure out if the beast still lives inside him, or if what he's feeling, seeing, and sensing is real.
Zane, well, it was so great getting to really know him in this book. We got a glimpse of who he is in Mea Culpa. We saw his torture and felt his growing need to find Nesy. In this book, you are once again let in on his journey. His soul is just as tortured as Aydan's. And because he remains an angel, it pulls that much more on your heart strings because he knows he is not ever supposed to get emotionally involved. He knows that angels should not possibly feel what he does, and yet it is right there, smacking you in the face. Zane is powerful and sexy, loving and surprising. I loved him more and more as I read for his need to find Nesy. He struggles with the sacrifice he has made for Nesy, and this causes him such pain you feel it ripping at your heart.
And Nesy (Nessa), well, she is and is not what we expect her to be. I won't say much more than that because I don't want to spoil things for the reader! Just know that her whole being is so much more complicated than you could have possibly thought.
The supporting characters are well developed and thought out. We watch as Cass struggles with keeping Zane safe. She's torn apart by possibly losing another being that she loves. And Caim, well, it's hard to say anything about Caim because I didn't trust him from the first book, so why should I have trusted him in this one? He just has wrongness written all over him. And when I see that he's placed with Zane's team to investigate Nessa, I simply could not understand the logic. How could he be trusted after what happened with Lori?
The plot of this book is completely overwhelming. And I do not mean that in a bad way. It's an incredible journey through the minds of two very different characters who want the same thing, the safety and love of someone they are not sure is really who they think she is. While Christine was writing this story, she would send me small emails saying how torn she was between Zane and Aydan. How they were torturing her and constantly calling her back to writing their story. Once you read this story, you will completely understand why. While the plot is not new (bad versus good and the struggle between who will win), the way in which Christine goes about selling it to you is different from anything else you will ever read. I promise the surprises that happen are so unexpected they will have your mind reeling and your heart racing out of control to see where everything ends up. This is a story of sacrifice, love, and torment, of faith, anguish and horror. While this book is not a psychological thriller, some of those elements are in the story line and that makes for a completely different twist on a paranormal read.
As for Christine's writing, well, she is truly a poet. I cannot tell you how engrossed I get when reading her stories. The words flow so easily, one after the other dragging you in, twisting your heart, and blowing your mind. She tells the story in way that makes you want to continue to read and never stop. I found myself sneaking peeks at work just so I would know what was happening next. The words give so much life to the story, chosen so carefully and constructed into a melody that speaks in such an amazing way. It's like reading a song on paper. That's how amazing this writing is. I found myself holding my breath as I turned each page, the words forming amazing images in my mind, like art swirling to life effortlessly on a piece of canvas.
This book will blow your mind in so many ways. If you read Lacrimosa, and enjoyed the awesomeness that was the first book in the Requiem series, then this story will shatter your mind into so many pieces you will have to pick them up and read the book again to fully absorb it's awesomeness!
5 out of 5 shining stars from me, if I could give it more, I totally would! I need book #3 in hand RIGHT NOW!
For starters I must comment on the cover of this book. It so accurately captures the theme of the book. The characters laying in opposite directions signifies to me the push and pull you feel between them as the book progresses. And how it depicts the two characters together, well, it's just HOT! You cannot get much better than that. I like this cover much more than the original one. When I first saw the new cover, I was so excited. Christine shared it with me before it was completed and I loved it then. Then I got to see it grow with her process of changing it and WOW! What an amazing choice for this book!
As always, the characters in this series completely and totally keep me wanting more. They are so well developed, it is not possible to not get completely and totally engrossed in them. I feel connections with each and every one of them. I love that this book takes a turn and tells the story from Aydan and Zane's points of view. It completely captures their feelings for Nesy, their torture in loving her and their struggle with whether or not to let her go. Reading of their struggle throughout this amazing piece of work was so hard. And yet, I could not stop because I needed to know how things would end for these characters.
Aydan is so conflicted, so tortured, my heart was always in my throat when I was reading his chapters. Watching him unravel is heart wrenching. Watching him battle his demons made me want to cry (and I did). I just love him and feel so badly for him as he tries to come to terms with his torment. And the ways in which he choses to deal with this torment kept me on the edge of my seat. I think the most interesting part of Aydan's struggle in this book is watching him try to figure out what is real and what is not. Trying to figure out if the beast still lives inside him, or if what he's feeling, seeing, and sensing is real.
Zane, well, it was so great getting to really know him in this book. We got a glimpse of who he is in Mea Culpa. We saw his torture and felt his growing need to find Nesy. In this book, you are once again let in on his journey. His soul is just as tortured as Aydan's. And because he remains an angel, it pulls that much more on your heart strings because he knows he is not ever supposed to get emotionally involved. He knows that angels should not possibly feel what he does, and yet it is right there, smacking you in the face. Zane is powerful and sexy, loving and surprising. I loved him more and more as I read for his need to find Nesy. He struggles with the sacrifice he has made for Nesy, and this causes him such pain you feel it ripping at your heart.
And Nesy (Nessa), well, she is and is not what we expect her to be. I won't say much more than that because I don't want to spoil things for the reader! Just know that her whole being is so much more complicated than you could have possibly thought.
The supporting characters are well developed and thought out. We watch as Cass struggles with keeping Zane safe. She's torn apart by possibly losing another being that she loves. And Caim, well, it's hard to say anything about Caim because I didn't trust him from the first book, so why should I have trusted him in this one? He just has wrongness written all over him. And when I see that he's placed with Zane's team to investigate Nessa, I simply could not understand the logic. How could he be trusted after what happened with Lori?
The plot of this book is completely overwhelming. And I do not mean that in a bad way. It's an incredible journey through the minds of two very different characters who want the same thing, the safety and love of someone they are not sure is really who they think she is. While Christine was writing this story, she would send me small emails saying how torn she was between Zane and Aydan. How they were torturing her and constantly calling her back to writing their story. Once you read this story, you will completely understand why. While the plot is not new (bad versus good and the struggle between who will win), the way in which Christine goes about selling it to you is different from anything else you will ever read. I promise the surprises that happen are so unexpected they will have your mind reeling and your heart racing out of control to see where everything ends up. This is a story of sacrifice, love, and torment, of faith, anguish and horror. While this book is not a psychological thriller, some of those elements are in the story line and that makes for a completely different twist on a paranormal read.
As for Christine's writing, well, she is truly a poet. I cannot tell you how engrossed I get when reading her stories. The words flow so easily, one after the other dragging you in, twisting your heart, and blowing your mind. She tells the story in way that makes you want to continue to read and never stop. I found myself sneaking peeks at work just so I would know what was happening next. The words give so much life to the story, chosen so carefully and constructed into a melody that speaks in such an amazing way. It's like reading a song on paper. That's how amazing this writing is. I found myself holding my breath as I turned each page, the words forming amazing images in my mind, like art swirling to life effortlessly on a piece of canvas.
This book will blow your mind in so many ways. If you read Lacrimosa, and enjoyed the awesomeness that was the first book in the Requiem series, then this story will shatter your mind into so many pieces you will have to pick them up and read the book again to fully absorb it's awesomeness!
5 out of 5 shining stars from me, if I could give it more, I totally would! I need book #3 in hand RIGHT NOW!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Great interview and review!
ReplyDeleteGreat interview and review!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for some amazing giveaways, with many book titles that i would love to have the oportunity of reading and reviewing! Including Transcend (that looks stunning with its striking cover) and Libera Me. Also, thanks for an insightful and very interesting interview with the author, that i found facinating to read. Christine Fonseca is an amazing writer whose origonality and uniqueness seems to be clear, and i would love to be able to read her work.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much once again x
Email: lfountain1(at)hotmail(dot)co(dot)uk
Thank you for the giveaways! They are aamzing!
ReplyDeleteYour review and interview were very good as well!